How to make speech recognition app in C# using Window Forms?
How to make speech recognition app in C# using Window Forms? Hello friends! In this article we will leaner that how to build a speech recognizer that will recognize the words spoken by user and write that words in text box and at the same time it can also speak the words that has already been written in text box. So this article will really make you interested in C# development. This application has also concept little bit related to machine learning algorithm. These algorithms are used through libraries provided .Net framework like SpeechSynthesizer, PromptBuilder, GrammerBuilder etc. Here is the screenshot of our application including the toolbox that I have used in this application: User Interface: In above I have used a textbox with multiline is checked and two buttons (i) speak text to speak already written words in text box and start to write words that are spoken. So lets code this Speech recognizer. Source Code in C#: ______________________________...